
Pharmacy Assistant
State Wise Registered Personnel

S. No. State/UT Name Total Nodal Officers
1 Andhra Pradesh 120
2 Assam 240
3 Bihar 550
4 Chhattisgarh 30
5 Delhi 670
6 Gujarat 136
7 Jammu and Kashmir 120
8 Kerala 55
9 Madhya Pradesh 360
10 Maharashtra 299
11 Manipur 12
12 Nagaland 60
13 Odisha 60
14 Rajasthan 23
15 Tamil Nadu 90
16 Uttar Pradesh 620
17 West Bengal 390
Total:- 3835

Nodal Officers List

Nodal Officers List not available here

Data Source : Disclaimer : These are not MoHFW approved courses and hence the States may choose to use them as general frontline workers based on their skill sets